Google Earth picture of the rough area for our land growing up, house had doubled in size since when we lived there |
I lived for many of my childhood years in the country. We had 10 acres of land in Richmond Utah that
my siblings and I would run wild on. We would build forts in the trees, go swimming in the canal behind our house. We would take our BB guns and shoot everything that moved. The BB guns were so weak that the BBs would just bounce off the birds and the birds would just fly away. I don't think we ever killed a bird with a BB gun.
Our House |
it was not always fun and games, my dad loved trees and hard work. It seemed that a week did not go by that we
were not planting, transplanting, and watering trees. Of course almost all of the land was on a dried
creek bed, so it had tons and tons of rocks and gravel. Water was scarce because our well did not produce that much water, so we had to watch how much
water we used to water the trees and used in the house or our well might run
dry. Because of these two issues we
moved our garden down near the canal that ran in the back of our land. This way we fill buckets of water to water the garden. And there were not as many rocks.
It looked something like this. |
This location had a lot of wild, non-useful trees
and shrubs (which from Google Earth it looks like they have all grown back). This meant that we had the pleasure of
clearing all these trees and shrubs.
Most of it was relatively easy but there was one tree that was pretty
big and was not easily moved. My brothers
said that we should just cut it down, but I wanted to dig it out because it was
a nice tree and I thought we could transplant it to somewhere else. Also if we were to cut it down we still had
to deal with the stump and the roots which were in the way of the garden
Me and my Sister around 10 yrs old. |
I was little probably around 12 years old and the tree was
big – by far the biggest tree that I have ever tried to dig out. My brothers refused to help because they
thought the tree was too big and that I was just wasting my time. After a couple of hours working on digging it out, I realized that it was too much for me to do. But I did not want to prove my brothers right
so I had the idea that I would pray to have the tree moved. I knew that God can move mountains so He can
easily move this tree. So I knelt down and
start praying that the tree will be moved.
After praying for a little while, I step back expecting to see angels
come down and magically move the tree.
But I soon realize that they were not going to come – at least
not right then. I decided that I should leave and that they would possibly come when I was not looking. Besides it was getting late, so I went home for the rest of the day.

The next day I was disappointed to see that
the tree was still there. I started
thinking: “God did not answer my prayer.” I had asked nicely I thought. I was disappointed but I never did doubt that
God could not move the tree. Then the
next Saturday my dad asked if I wanted help moving it. Of course I said yes and we spent the next few hours digging
out the tree. I had a very nice time spending some one-on-one with my dad. We talked the entire time and I really
enjoyed it immensely.
A little while later I realized that Heavenly Father had
answered my prayer. I had asked for the tree
to be moved and it was moved. He did not
need to send angels down to do it. He
just sent my dad. I might have enjoyed
seeing angels come down and moving it but to be honest, I enjoyed spending the time with my dad more. Also I had the satisfaction of moving the
tree myself (with a lot of my dad's help) vice just watching it magically disappear.
My family around the time when I was 12 yrs old. (I am the ugly boy with glasses on the right) |
I know that Heavenly Father listens and answers ALL prayers. It just might not be in the
time or how we expect them to be answered but He will answer them.
I also know that He answers them in the best way for us – His
children. He loves us more that we
possibly can imagine and He is standing by to bless us and help us in every way
that He can.
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