Saturday, November 23, 2013

20 Things I Love About My Wife!

1.     She loves the Lord.
2.     She loves me and has always loved me no matter what!
3.     She loves our kids.
4.     She has a Hart of Gold.
5.     She has forgiven me so many times for all my stupid mistakes that I could not even try to count them.
6.     She is patient.
7.     She teaches our kids and helps them grow both mentally and physically.
8.     She is thoughtful of others (for instance while at a family reunion she did all the dishes while every one else sat around and talked).
9.     She is humble.
10. She trusts the Lord. When He asks her to do something, she does it.
11. She is willing to learn and grow.  She takes classes in her spare time to improve herself and her family.
12. She serves others.  Once when she thought no one was looking, I watched her give money to a beggar on the street. She is always willing to serve at church or anywhere else that she is asked to serve.
13. She has a wonderful sense of humor and I love the sound of her laugh
14. She is extremely smart. She speaks two languages fluently
15. She is very courageous. She left every thing and came to immigrate unknown country.
16. She is so brave.
17. She is fun!
18. She loves animals.  She is allergic to cats and dogs but she still loves to pet and play with them, even though it means having a skin irritation for days afterwards.
19. She is a great daughter to her parents.
20. She is so good with money.  She is my voice of reason whenever we go shopping. 

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