Saturday, September 21, 2013

Post Doctors Visit and Other Stuff

This was written September 21, 2013

So I had the doctor's visit the other day. It went a lot like I thought it would. He did not believe that I have MS and told me flat out that he does not think I have it. He would not say what he thought I did have, just that he did not think that I have MS. That is fine but it was pretty annoying to have someone just think that I am making up issues or that they do not really exist. But he agreed to give me a referral for an MRI.  This is apparently the definitive test for Multiple Sclerosis.  (I think it is important to capitalize ms so it seems so much more important).  Anyways I am not going to go to that doctor again--if it is at all possible anyways. 

I talked to my mom about possibly having MS and she thought I might be right, obviously she does not know but she was saying that she had some numbness in her face and that the doctor said it wall all because of stress. So that might only be it. I am going through some stressful time right now. Even though I don't feel that stressed, probably am.

I was thinking tonight about how when I was the NAV that my main job was to prepare my guys to ensure they were ready for war. We were on a warship and needed to be ready at a moments notice. I felt that I had done a pretty good job of doing that but what at the time all my focus was on the boat and that I had failed to do my primary job which is ensure my family was ready to fight in a way more important war that is going on right now all around us. 

This is the war with satan. As a father, I have been sent two very precious children of God and one of  my most important duties in this life is preparing them for the battle that is going on all around us. The battle field is all of the earth and our eternal salvation is at stake. I need to make sure that my family is ready for the fight. My kids right now are 5 and 3 years old so satan cannot tempt them, but he will in the future. I need to prepare them right now, I need to train them right now so they are ready for the fight.

 Also I have been realizing that this is not an individual fight but a team fight. Our fellow saints are on our side. This is what Home teaching is all about. Also we have the Savior. He will NEVER leave our side. He will carry us and He will make sure we are safe--as long as we will let Him. I need to make sure that I use all available resouces to get my family ready for this war.

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