Sunday, December 22, 2013

Men of Galilee

I really love this picture, Men of Galilee by Simon Dewey.  I was given it as a Christmas present two years ago and it hangs in my bedroom so I can see it every morning.  Here are a couple of lessons I have been taught by looking at this picture.

I am in the navy and like the Men of Galilee, I have had to be out to sea for long periods of time.  So I can not be home all the time to watch and teach my two kids.  But if I invite the Savior into my home, He will watch over them when I am gone.  The key is I have to invite His Spirit into my house while I am home and teach my children to love and follow Him.  I know my kids love the Savior.  I have had some wonderful experiences with this. 

One morning a couple of weeks ago, my son who just turned six told me that he had a dream where he watched Jesus create the world.  Now I do not know what he saw, but there was a reverence about him that normally is not there and I know whatever he dreamt was a special experience.  An experience that probably was to sacred to share, so I did not prod him more about the dream.  I just hope that he remembers it for many years to come. 

In another experience I was watching this bible video about Christ with my daughter on my Kindle Fire.  About half way through the video my daughter hugs the Kindle Fire as tight as she can and says “I LOVE JESUS!”   No words could express the joy and pride I felt for my daughter right then.

The other thing I like about the picture is that the older boy is holding a toy boat.  He wants to be just like his dad.  All kids start out admiring and in awe of their dads.  I need to be worthy of the admiration.  I need to worthy of this admiration I need to model my life after Christ.  I know my kids look up to me.  They see me as their superhero.  And if I want them to grow up to be happy and righteous persons, then I need to be a happy and righteous person.  I have to show them the way.

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