Thursday, May 31, 2018

Kim Jong Un and King Lamoni

I have a crazy theory:

I have been very interested in the possibility of North Korean peace negotiations and the developments with North Korea. Like everyone I wonder if Kim Jong Un (the North Korean President) is really willing to give up the nuclear weapons development and actually put an end to the Korean War. It seems so odd that he would be doing such an about-face. To go from threatening nuclear war to wanting peace. It seems impossible that he really would be willing to change so fast.  Then recently I thought of what it must have looked like when King Lamoni or his father's was converted to the gospel in Book of Mormon times. They both did an about-face that I think took everyone by surprise. And only the Holy Spirit could change someone's hart that fast. 

Of course I don't know if Kim Jong Un is serious and I don't know of any missionaries that are in North Korea. But I do know that the Lord works in mysterious ways. And I know that both King Lamoni and his father were capable of making this change. So why can't Kim Jong Un? As for the question "Is it possible for Kim Jong Un to even repent because of all the despicable things he has done?" King Lamoni was known to kill servants who could not maintain his flock, is that very different from what Kim Jong Un has done? 

This is just a theory. Time will only tell what, if any, change of heart Kim Jong Un might possibly have. But I can hope that he is repenting and praying like King Lamoni's Father: "I will give away all my sins to know thee" Alma 22:18