Monday, February 24, 2014

Being the Patriarch of MY Home

I love this quote by President David O. Mckay.  I have it as my background on my computer so I can see it often.  For me I spend way too much time online--a lot more than I should.

Don't get me wrong, not everything online is bad.  I know that posting on my blog is something that God wants me to do, but my first priority is my family.

One thing that I realized in the last little bit is that my kids are young enough that they need me to bring the Holy Spirit into our home.  They are dependent on me to put on good music, to provide good shows for them to watch and to have righteous discussions.  I need to cherish, teach and guide my kids now when they are dependent on me or else they will turn to someone/something else…and then I will have lost them.  And like the quote said, I would have "flunked in the final test of true manhood."

My family, my wife and kids need a husband and a father that spends time with them.  That loves them and leads them in righteousness.  Real men are men of God.  And I need to be that kind of man.